Construction Tools: A Lowdown

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In order to effect maximize utilization, the construction tools should necessarily pay for themselves in the due course of time via the reduction in the labor expenses or a marked increase in the project quality. A myriad variety of tools categories are used for construction purposes as enlisted hereunder:

  • Measurement - The first tools which are used in the construction projects are the measurement tools. It primarily helps the builder in determining the necessary dimensions of the job. For example, every construction carpenter besides using a simple measuring tape to measure the dimensions of a job, also have started using more sophisticated measurement tools such as laser range finders for quickly finding the estimated dimensions, measuring wheels for evaluating the topographical plane dimensions as well as laser levels for gauging the horizontal and the vertical alignment. In recent times, even electronic measuring calculation devices are being used in order to assist in the simplification of complicated calculations.
  • Excavation- In the field of construction, the most pivotal part of a project is its foundation which needs to be properly completed in the form of an elaborate basement or a plain slab, as per the requirement .Most of the foundations are made up of concrete due to pricing and integrity issues. Due to this fact, power concrete tools namely the screeds, trowels as well as vibrators are extensively used to lower the amount of manual labor in the construction process, in addition to the usual primitive construction tools such as wheelbarrows, floats, shovels and rakes.
  • Cutting & Attaching- In order to be used within a construction project, it is pivotal for builders to use the requisite construction tools to cut down the materials before the same are used further. For the same purpose, tools such as power table saws, circular saws and band saws are used to perform various types of complicated cuts. In case the saws are not appropriate, tools such as utility knifes, non-powered blades as well as tin snips are employed in order to ease the task of cutting. Synonymous to cutting, attaching is also another important task during the process of construction. While the traditional hammers are irreplaceable for this purpose, new construction attachment tools such as nail guns, power staplers, screw guns as well as rivets are being used to accelerate the construction process.
  • Finishing: This is the most important phase of construction as it involves the usage of paintbrushes, paint guns as well as rollers for finally coloring the structure and its walls. Other types of finishing construction tools might include finish nails, carpet stretches, carpet burners, glue guns, sprayers as well as caulking guns.

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